Cell And Molecular Biology

Paper Code: 
BOT 121
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

To provide knowledge about the intricacies of life processes at the molecular and cellular level.

Unit I: 

Fundamentals of Cell: Structural organization of cell, difference between plant and animal cell; prokaryote and eukaryote cell, types of bonds and specialized plant cell types.

Cell wall: Basic architecture of cell wall and biogenesis. Plasma membrane: Structure, models, functions; ion carriers, channels and pumps.

Unit II: 

Chloroplast: Structure, biogenesis, genome organization and nucleochloroplastic interactions.

Mitochondria: Structure, genome organization and biogenesis.

Plasmodesmata: Structure, functions, comparision with gap junctions.

Plant vacuole: Tonoplast membrane, vacuoles as multifunctional compartments, vacuoles as storage organelle.

Ribosomes: Structure, functions and biosynthesis

Unit III: 

Nucleus: Structure, nuclear pore complex, nucleolus, packaging of DNA (nucleosome organization, solenoid model).

DNA: Structure, types (A, B and Z forms), replication, damage and repair mechanisms.

RNA: Structure and types of RNA, transcription, RNA splicing, RNA editing.

Unit IV: 

Other cellular organelles: Structure and functions of Golgi apparatus, lysosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, microbodies

The cytoskeleton: organization of microtubules, microfilaments and intermediate filaments, cytoskeletal accessory proteins.

Protein sorting: Targeting of proteins into endoplasmic reticulum and chloroplast.

Unit V: 

Cell cycle:  Regulation of cell cycle, role of cyclins and cyclin dependent kinases.

Apoptosis and Programmed Cell Death: Cytokinesis and cell plate formation and Programmed Cell Death.

  1. Alberts, B; Bray, D; Lewis, J; Raff, M; Roberts,K and Watson, JD. 1999. Molecular Biology of the Cell. Garland Publishing Inc., New York.
  2. Buchanan, BB; Gruissem, W and Jones, RL. 2000. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Plants. American Society of Plant Physiologists. Maryland, USA.
  3. De Robertis. Cell and Molecular Biology. Waverly International.
  4. De, DN. 2000. Plant Cell Vacuoles: An Introduction. CSIRO Publication. Collingwood, Australia.
  5. Karp and Gerald. Cell and Molecular Biology: Concepts and Experiments (3rd edition). John Wiley & Sons.
  6. Kleinsmith, LJ and Kish, VM. 1995. Principles of Cell and Molecular Biology (2nd edition). Harper Collins College Publishers. New York, USA.
  7. Krishnamurthy, KV. 2000. Methods in Cell Wall Cytochemistry. CRC Press,Boca Raton; Florida.
  8. Lewin, B 2000. Genes VII. Oxford University Press, New York.
  9. Lodish, H; Berk, A; Zipursky, SL; Matsudiara, P; Baltimore, D and Darnell, J. 2000. Molecular Cell Biology (4th edition). WH Freeman & Co., New York.
  10. Nath, P. Molecular Insight in Plant Biology.
  11. Rost, T et al. 1998. Plant Biology. Wordsworth Publishing Co. California, USA. Wolfe, SL. 1993. Molecular and Cellular Biology. Wordsworth Publishing Co. California, USA.
  12. Weil, JH. 2003. Molecular Insight in Plant Biology. Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd.

Suggested Laboratory Readings:

  • Khasim, SM. 2002. Botanical Microtechnique: Principles and Practice. Capital    
  • Publishing Co., New Delhi.
  • Protein Expression: A Practical Approach. Ed. Higgins, SJ and Hames, BD.
  • Oxford University Press
  • Malacinski, GM and Freifelder, D. Essentials of Molecular Biology III Ed.
  • Jones & Barlett Publishers.
Academic Year: