To study the various biochemical pathways in plants and the structure of various biomolecules.
Classification, structure and functions of monosaccharides, disaccharides, polysaccharides and glycoproteins including starch, cellulose and pectins.
Structure of proteins: Primary, Secondary ,Tertiary, Quaternary ; Simple and conjugated proteins , Synthesis of amino acids by reductive amination , GS-GOGAT system and transamination, stereo-isomeric and amphoteric properties of amino acids
Saturated and Unsaturated fatty acids, Synthesis of long chain fatty acids; Structure, functions and biosynthesis of lipids, α-oxidation, β-oxidation
Structure and properties, concept of holoenzyme, apoenzyme, coenzyme and cofactors, regulation of enzyme activity, mechanism of action , Factors affecting enzyme activity ,enzyme kinetics, Michaelis-Menten equation.
Structure and functions of secondary metabolites: Alkaloids and tannins, cardiac glycosides and anthocyanins.
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