A brief account of interdisciplinary subdivisions of Ethnobotany like Ethnopharmacognosy, Ethnomedicobotany, Ethnoagriculture, Ethnoarchaeoculture, Ethnoecology, Ethnogastrology, Ethnohorticulture, Ethnomusicology, Ethnophytotaxonomy, Ethnoveterinary.
Aims, Objectives and scope, methods of study of Ethnobotany. Ethnic groups of Rajasthan. Major tribes – Meena, Bhil, Garasia, Saharia, Kalbelia, Nut, Banjara, Koli, and their life style.
Cultural and social anthropology, techniques and notable Ethnographers
Traditional use of plants as Food, Fodder, Fencing, Decoration and Adornment, Dyes, Timber, Intoxicants and Masticatories by ethnic groups.
Ocimum sanctum, Aegle marmelos, Ficus benghalensis, Curcuma domestica, Cyanodon dactylon , Hordeum vulgare, Amaranthus bicolor and Sesamum indicum. Sacred groves.