Visit to World Forestry Arboretum


    Report on the visit to Arboretum                                                

On 10.8.2013, Saturday, an excursion was organized to World Forestry Arboretum and Amrita Devi Garden by the Department of Botany. All the students of M.Sc. III sem and B.Sc. accompanied by Prof. S. Khetrapal and Dr. Shilpi Rijhwani reached there at 8:30 a.m. Students collected various plants of aesthetic,medicinal and taxonomic importance like Acacia nilotica, Withania somnifera, Cyanotis, Antigonum, Adansonia digitata, Prosopis spicigera etc. Some rare bryophytes like species of Polytrichum and Riccia and some magnificent mushrooms were also collected. Some of the species native to Rajasthan like Acacia senegal and Prosopis having traditional importance were also seen. Students also took a real view of plantation on terrains. The trip in the rainy season proved to be very beneficial for the collection of information on identification, morphological and taxonomic features of the distinct flora which is not common otherwise.