Integrated Science and Technological Approach …. Problem Solving in Rajasthan

Start Date: 
Wednesday, 23 February 2022
Start Time: 
11:15 am

Department of Botany, IIS(Deemed to be University) Jaipur, organized a guest lecture as a part of the Science Week celebration.The topic of the lecture was Integrated  Science and Technological Approach …. Problem Solving in Rajasthan, for BSc. and BSc. B.Ed semester VI students, on 23 February, 2022.The resource person for the session was Prof. Soumna Dutta, Former Head, Dept. of Botany, UOR, Jaipur, Rajasthan. Dr. Dutta is a renowned Plant scientist and  Biodiversity expert. The lecture was  informative and interactive and aimed to generate awareness amongst the students for sustainable development goals and targets and strategies to implement and achieve them, biodiversity conservation and integration of science for waste management, pollution abatement, specially when the World is facing the crisis of   Corona. She spoke about importance and relevance of Science Day and role of women in elevating the standards of Science to the present level. The lecture focused on problem solving methods and solution integrated approach quoting real life examples from various districts of Rajasthan.