This course will enable the students to –
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Learning Outcome (at course level) |
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Course Code |
Course title |
24DBOT 801
CO96: Demonstrate an understanding of Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms and Fossils CO97: Develop critical understanding on morphology, anatomy and reproduction of Pteridophytes and Gymnosperms CO98: Understanding of plant evolution and their transition to land habitat. CO99: Demonstrate proficiency in the experimental techniques and methods of appropriate analysis of Pteridophytes and Gymnosperms CO100: To develop an understanding of various fossilized forms, their techniques of preservation and the geological environment of those times. CO101: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction. |
Approach in teaching: Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Tutorials, Reading assignments, Demonstration, Team teaching Learning activities for the student: Self-learning assignment, Effective questions, Stimulation, Seminar presentation
Class test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Solving problems in tutorials, Assignments, Presentation, Individual and group projects |
Introduction, general characters, classification, evolution of gymnosperms, distribution of gymnosperms in India, affinities of gymnosperms with angiosperms, pteridophytes and pteridosperms and economic importance.
General characters, classification, structure, economic importance and life history of-
Psilopsida: Tmesipteris
Lycopsida: Selaginella, Isoetes
Sphenopsida: Equisetum
Pteropsida: Osmunda, Adiantum
General account of gymnosperms with reference to morphology, anatomy and reproduction of the following:
Cycadales – Zamia
Coniferales - Cedrus, Araucaria
Taxales- Taxus
Ephedrales – Ephedra
Welwitschiales -Welwitschia
Gnetales - Gnetum.
Types of fossils, geological time scale.Brief account of the following fossils: Horneophytales (Horneophyton), Psilophytales (Psilophyton) and Zosterophyllales (Zosterophyllum). Pteridospermales: (Lyginopteris); Cycadeoidales: (Cycadeoidea); Cordaitales: (Cordaites) and Pentoxylales: (Pentoxylon). Contribution of Birbal Sahani in Palaeobotany, National Institute of Palaeobotany