Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms and Palaeobotany

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 
  1. To provide relevant information about Pteridophytes and Gymnosperms along with their evolutionary history, their phylogenetic relationships and fossil wealth of the world and economic importance of selected forms.
  2. To impart theoretical as well as practical knowledge on the higher plant forms of taxonomic hierarchy
  3. To ascertain the importance of fossilization in order to relate life forms of earlier era


Course Outcomes: 



Course Outcomes

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code

Course Title




Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms and Palaeobotany


CO33:  Build the concept of plant evolution and their transition to land habit, origin of seed habit and stelar development.

CO34:  Evaluate and assess the general characters, classification, and evolution of gymnosperms and study their distribution and economic importance.

CO35:  Discuss the structure, life cycle and economic importance of representative members of Pteridophytes.

CO36:  Relate morphological and anatomical details of various gymnosperms with their evolution and life cycle patterns.

CO37:  Enhance their understanding of various fossilized forms, their techniques of presentation geological environment of those times.

CO38: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction.

Approach in Teaching:



Powerpoint presentation, Animations, Tutorials

Learning Activities for the students:

Peer teaching, Model preparation,


Think-pair-share, Flipped classroom






Graded papers Class test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Solving problems in tutorials, Assignments, Presentation, Flipped classrooms.


Unit I: 
Pteridophytes I


                                                                                                                                       Pteridophytes I: General characters, classification, telome theory, stelar system and evolution of stele, apogamy, apospory, origin of seed habit and heterospory.


Unit II: 
Gymnosperm I

Gymnosperm: Introduction, general characters, classification, evolution of gymnosperms, distribution of gymnosperms in India, affinities of gymnosperms with angiosperms, pteridophytes and pteridosperms and economic importance.


Unit III: 
Pteridophytes II

Pteridophytes II: General characters, classification, structure, economic importance and life history of-

Psilopsida: Tmesipteris

Lycopsida: Selaginella, Isoetes

Sphenopsida: Equisetum

Pteropsida: Osmunda, Adiantum                                                                                                                    

Unit IV: 

Gymnosperm II: General account of gymnosperms with reference to morphology, anatomy and reproduction of the following:

Cycadales – Zamia


Coniferales - Cedrus, Araucaria

Taxales- Taxus

Ephedrales – Ephedra

Welwitschiales -Welwitschia

Gnetales - Gnetum.


Unit V: 
Palaeobotany: Types of fossils, geological time scale

Palaeobotany: Types of fossils, geological time scale.

Brief account of the following fossils: Horneophytales (Horneophyton), Psilophytales (Psilophyton) and Zosterophyllales (Zosterophyllum). Pteridospermales: (Lyginopteris); Cycadeoidales: (Cycadeoidea); Cordaitales: (Cordaites) and Pentoxylales: (Pentoxylon). Contribution of Birbal Sahani in Palaeobotany, National Institute of Palaeobotany 


Essential Readings: 
  • Bhatnagar, S.P., Moitra, A. (1996). Gymnosperms. India: New Age International Limited.
  • Sharma, O. (2012). Pteridophyta. (n.p.): Tata McGraw-Hill.
  • Singh, S.K. (2008). Gymnosperms and Palaeobotany. India: Campus Books International.
  • Biswas, C., Johri, B. (2013). The Gymnosperms. Germany: Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
  • Surange, K.R. (1966). Indian Fossil Pteridophytes. India: Council of Scientific & Industrial Research.
  • Rashid, A. (1999). An Introduction to Pteridophyta: Diversity, Development, Differentiation. India: Vikas Publishing House.
  • Pandey, S.N., Misra, SP., Trivedi, PS. (1972). A Textbook of Botany: Bryophyta, Pteridophyta, Gymnosperms and paleobotany. India: Vikas Publishing House.
  • Vashishta, P.C. (2010). Botany for Degree Students Gymnosperms. India: S Chand and Company.



Suggested Readings:

  • Anderson, H.M., Cleal, C.J., Anderson, J.M. (2007). Brief History of the Gymnosperms: Classification, Biodiversity, Phytogeography and Ecology. South Africa: South African National Biodiversity Institute.
  • Chamberlain, C.J. (2018). Gymnosperms: Structure and Evolution (Classic Reprint). United States: Fb&c Limited.
  • Charles J., Chamberlain M; Coulter, J. (2019). Morphology of Gymnosperms. India: Alpha Editions.
  • Sporne, K.R. (2015). The Morphology of Gymnosperms.  (n.p.): Scientific Publishers.
  • Donovan SN. (1991). The Processes of Fossilization. . United Kingdom: Columbia University Press.
  • Lugardon, B., Tryon, AF. (2012). Spores of the Pteridophyta: Surface, Wall Structure, and Diversity Based on Electron Microscope Studies. United States: Springer New York.





  • Cryptogamie, Mycologie, (Museum National d’Historie natuelle, Paris)
  • International Journal of Plant Science (The University of Chicago Press Journals)
  • The Plant Journal (Wiley Online Library)
  • Plant Science (Elsevier)
  • American Journal of Botany (Wiley)


Academic Year: