Course |
Course Outcomes |
Learning and teaching strategies |
Assessment Strategies |
Course Code |
Course Title |
24BOT 221
Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms and Palaeobotany
CO33: Build the concept of plant evolution and their transition to land habit, origin of seed habit and stelar development. CO34: Evaluate and assess the general characters, classification, and evolution of gymnosperms and study their distribution and economic importance. CO35: Discuss the structure, life cycle and economic importance of representative members of Pteridophytes. CO36: Relate morphological and anatomical details of various gymnosperms with their evolution and life cycle patterns. CO37: Enhance their understanding of various fossilized forms, their techniques of presentation geological environment of those times. CO38: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction. |
Approach in Teaching: Interactive Lectures Powerpoint presentation, Animations, Tutorials Learning Activities for the students: Peer teaching, Model preparation, Seminars Think-pair-share, Flipped classroom
Graded papers Class test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Solving problems in tutorials, Assignments, Presentation, Flipped classrooms. |
Gymnosperm: Introduction, general characters, classification, evolution of gymnosperms, distribution of gymnosperms in India, affinities of gymnosperms with angiosperms, pteridophytes and pteridosperms and economic importance.
Pteridophytes II: General characters, classification, structure, economic importance and life history of-
Psilopsida: Tmesipteris
Lycopsida: Selaginella, Isoetes
Sphenopsida: Equisetum
Pteropsida: Osmunda, Adiantum
Gymnosperm II: General account of gymnosperms with reference to morphology, anatomy and reproduction of the following:
Cycadales – Zamia
Coniferales - Cedrus, Araucaria
Taxales- Taxus
Ephedrales – Ephedra
Welwitschiales -Welwitschia
Gnetales - Gnetum.
Palaeobotany: Types of fossils, geological time scale.
Brief account of the following fossils: Horneophytales (Horneophyton), Psilophytales (Psilophyton) and Zosterophyllales (Zosterophyllum). Pteridospermales: (Lyginopteris); Cycadeoidales: (Cycadeoidea); Cordaitales: (Cordaites) and Pentoxylales: (Pentoxylon). Contribution of Birbal Sahani in Palaeobotany, National Institute of Palaeobotany
Suggested Readings: