
Paper Code: 
DBOT 804
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 
Course Objective:
1. To demonstrate practices and procedures that lead to acquisition of skills required for
creating different types of professionals in the field of Botany like in research and
development, teaching government and public services.
Course Outcomes (COs):
Course Outcome Learning and
On completion of this course, the
students will be able to:
CO108: Analyse different methods of
vegetational studies for quantitative
estimation of plant cover.
CO109: Compare various methods of
soil analysis for identification of various
CO110: Carry out experiments relating
leaf cover to effects of pollution.
 To determine minimum number of quadrats required for reliable estimate of biomass
in grasslands.
 To study the frequency of herbacious species in grassland and to compare the
frequency distribution with Raunkair's standard frequency diagram
 To estimate importance value index for grassland species on the basis of relative
frequency, relative density and relative biomass in protected and grazed grassland.
 To measure the vegetation cover of grassland through point frame method.
 To measure the above ground plant biomass in a grassland.
 To determine Kemps constant for dicot and monocot leaves and to estimate the leaf
area index of a grassland community.
 To determine diversity indices (richness, Simpson, Shannon weinner) in grazed and
protected grassland.
 To estimate bulk density and particle density of grassland and woodland soils.
 To determine moisture content and water holding capacity of grassland and woodland
 To study the vegetation structure through profile diagram.
 To estimate transparency, pH, and temperature of different water bodies.
 To measure dissolved oxygen content in polluted and unpolluted water samples.
 To estimate salinity of different water samples.
 To determine the percent leaf area injury of different leaf samples collected around
polluted sites.
 To estimate dust holding capacity of the leaves of different plant species


Essential Readings: 
Books Recommended:
 Santra, S.C. (2015). College Botany Practical Vol.II. New Central Book Agency (P)
Ltd., Calcutta.
 Bendre, A.M. (2009). A Text Book of Practical Botany. Rastogi Publications, Meerut.
 Pandey,S.N., Misra, S.P., Trivedi, P.C. (2016). Botany Vol. II. Vikas Publishing House.
 Pandey,S.N., Misra, S.P., Trivedi, P.C. (2018). Botany Vol. III. Vikas Publishing House
Ethics – Problems and Perspectives
and Global issues
Academic Year: