Study of monohybrid and dihybrid crosses in the field and working on the numerical problems related to them.
To find the frequency of herbaceous species by quadrat method.
To find the density of herbaceous species by quadrat method.
To find the minimum size of quadrat.
Study of adaptive modifications in plants by specimens/ slide preparation /photographs in Hydrophytes- Eichhornia, Hydrilla; Xerophytes- Casuarina, Nerium; Halophytes- Rhizophora
Soil analysis:
Study of soil texture.
Study of soil pH.
Study of soil water holding capacity.
Study of soil moisture percentage
Testing of soil for the presence of carbonate, nitrate, inorganic salts and replaceable bases.
Essential Readings:
Pandey, BP and Trivedi, P.S. 1997. Botany Vol. I (10th edition). Vikas Publishing House.