Historical backround, present status, scope of herbal science- Indigenous medical system- bioprospecting, Indigenous knowledge systems, Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani, Homeopathy medicines. Need to preserve knowledge systems.
Meaning and scope of Aromatherapy, Cosmetology and Flower essence therapy.
Plant identification-elementary knowledge of binomial nomenclature, outline of Bentham and Hooker classification, Herbarium techniques, Herbal garden, Use of flora and keys for plant identification.
Taxonomic structure, classification of plants (general outline), major groups of plants (Algae, Fungi, Bryophytes, Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms) and their medicinal uses.
Endangered plants- Efforts and initiatives to conserve biodiversity with particular reference to conservation of flora, Unexploited plants of potential economic value with special reference to Rajasthan. Strategies for conservation: in situ and ex-situ, Red data book and green data book.