To study the Mendelian as well as modern aspects of genetics with Cytogenetics.
Chromosome structure, molecular organization of centromere and telomere, SMC proteins-Cohesin and Condensin proteins, cot curve, Repetitive DNA, DNA methylation, specialized types of chromosomes: polytene and lampbrush, B-chromosomes.
Genomes of Virus, Bacteria and Eukaryotic organisms; mobile genetic elements, transformation, conjugation and transduction in bacteria, cytoplasmic male sterility, Structural and numerical alternations in chromosomes , Robertsonian translocations, B-A translocations, Alien gene transfer-examples from Triticum, Arachis and Brassica
Fine structure of gene, translation, Regulation of gene expression in prokaryotes and eukaryotes, significance of introns, Panoply of operon, catabolic repression, attenuation and antitermination, Gene silencing : RNAi, Antisense RNA.
Spontaneous and induced mutations, physical and chemical mutagens, molecular basis of gene mutations, transposons, site-directed mutagenesis, protooncogenes and oncogenes , Sex determination, Sex linked inheritence, Sex limited characters
Genetic mapping, genetic markers-RFLP, RAPD, SNPs. Physical mapping- Restriction mapping, STS mapping and FISH