To study the Mendelian as well as modern aspects of genetics with Cytogenetics.
Chromosome structure, molecular organization of centromere and telomere, SMC proteins-Cohesin and Condensin proteins, cot curve, Repetitive DNA, DNA methylation, specialized types of chromosomes: polytene and lampbrush, B-chromosomes.
Genomes of Virus, Bacteria and Eukaryotic organisms; mobile genetic elements, transformation, conjugation and transduction in bacteria, cytoplasmic male sterility, Structural and numerical alternations in chromosomes , Robertsonian translocations, B-A translocations, Alien gene transfer-examples from Triticum, Arachis and Brassica
Fine structure of gene, translation, Regulation of gene expression in prokaryotes and eukaryotes, significance of introns, Panoply of operon, catabolic repression , attenuation and antitermination , Gene silencing : RNAi, Antisense RNA.
Spontaneous and induced mutations, physical and chemical mutagens, molecular basis of gene mutations, transposons, site-directed mutagenesis , protooncogenes and oncogenes , Sex determination, Sex linked inheritence, Sex limited characters
Genetic mapping, genetic markers-RFLP, RAPD, SNPs. Physical mapping- Restriction mapping, STS mapping and FISH