To study the molecular aspects of cell structure and functions in plant cell.
Cell wall: structure, plasma membrane: structure, models and functions, structure and function of chloroplast, mitochondria, golgi bodies, endoplasmic reticulum, lysosomes, plasmodesmata, vacuoles, ribosomes, biogenesis of chloroplast and mitochondria.
Ultrastructure of nucleus, nuclear membrane, nucleolus, nuclear
pores.Chromosome structure and packaging of DNA, specialized type of chromosome: Polytene and lampbrush chromosome, B chromosomes, Heterochromatin and Euchromatin, Barr bodies
Amitosis, Mitosis, Meiosis.
Cell cycle: Phases of cell cycle, Cell cycle checkpoints, role of cyclins and cyclin dependent kinases.
A, B and Z forms; DNA damage and repair, DNA methylation; satellite and repetitive DNA, DNA replication, transcription and translation.
Biogenesis, structure and its types- rRNA, mRNA, and tRNA, RNA processing (splicing of m RNA, rRNA and tRNA), RNA editing and transposons.
· Alberts, B; Bray, D; Lewis, J; Raff, M; Roberts,K and Watson, JD. 1999. Molecular Biology of the Cell. Garland Publishing Inc., New York.
· Buchanan, BB; Gruissem, W and Jones, RL. 2000. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Plants. American Society of Plant Physiologists. Maryland, USA.
· Powar,C.B. Cell Biology. Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai.
Introductory Cell Biology. Veer Bala Rastogi