To develop an understanding of basic fundamental aspects of Botany.
History of horticulture, fundamentals of horticulture, techniques of plant propagation, a brief account of pomology, olericulture, floriculture and ornamental horticulture, viticulture, applications of tissue culture in horticulture
Steps of plant culture- planting, pruning, irrigation and machinery, preparation of soil, cost and quality of different materials, garden tools and their accessories.
Sustainable forestry management: its objective, forest management and productivity management; socio-economic initiatives: participatory forestry including community forestry, farm forestry and joint forestry; major forest types of the world (tropical, temperate, taiga and dry scrub) and their biodiversity; organic farming.
Brief description of biofuels and biodiesel, plants in cosmetic industry and pharmaceutical industry, aroma therapy and flower essence therapy, phytoremediation, plant indicators.