This course will enable the students to –
1. To study the vital activities in plant and study of various metabolic activities in plants
2. To know about absorption, translocation and utilization of water and other minerals
3. To understand changes during growth process (germination to senescence)
4. To understand various photosynthetic and respiratory cycles
5. To gain knowledge on biomolecules
6. To study the behavior of plants under various environmental conditions
7. To provide in depth understanding on the various laws governing the physiology of
8. To enhance the knowledge on physiology and biochemical aspects through series of
Course Outcomes (COs):
Course Outcome Learning and
Upon completion of this course the students
will be able to:
CO111: Impart an insight into the various plant
water relations with respect to various physiological
processes. Take students to higher levels of
learning about the mineral nutrition in plants and
explain chemical properties and deficiency
symptoms in plants.
CO112: Understand the process and significance
of Photosynthesis & respiration and analyze their
effect on the plant productivity.
CO113: Associate and apply the mechanistic view
on plant environment interactions in terms of
nitrogen fixation.
CO114: Evolove solutions to combat stress
conditions specially that of drought arid salinity and
also assess the attributes of secondary metabolites
found in plants.
CO115: Learn about Sensory photobiology and
know about the Plant Growth regulators (Auxins,
Gibberellins. Cytokinins, Ethylene)