Guest lecture on “The Science and Art of Micropropagation”
A guest lecture was organized by Botany Department on 19th Feb, 2014. The lecture was delivered by Dr. Sunil Dutt Purohit, Professor of Botany at Mohanlal Sukhadia, University, Udaipur. The topic of his lecture was “The Science and Art of Micropropagation”. He gave a detailed account of the vital concepts and steps of micropropagation for growing plants in vitro.
Several major concerns regarding the experiments on Tissue cultures were discussed that included establishment of aseptic cultures in vitro. The important aspects that must be kept in mind while performing experiments on Tissue Culture included selection of the type & concentration of the chemical treatment, duration of the treatment & combinations of Plant growth regulators. The most interesting part of the lecture was the ‘Luxury’ of in vitro plants that included supply of nutrients without competition amongst plants, controlled temperature and aseptic environment. Prof. Purohit also explained the ways to overcome the problems faced by students during establishment of the aseptic culture and hardening, acclimatization and field transfer of the in vitro regenerated plantlets. Students were encouraged by his lecture to take up research in this field.Gallery