Research: Meaning, Definition, Methodology, research processes, criteria of good research.
Types of research: Fundamental or basic, applied, Historical, descriptive, analytical, qualitative, quantitative, experimental, conceptual, case study.
Research design: Meaning, concepts, need, designs for different types of research.
Research problem and developing research proposal: Selection of research area and topic, statement of the research problem , its scope ,steps involved in defining the problem.
Literature search: reviewing related literature, referencing, abstracting, computer search, bibliography, evaluation of the problem.
Defining concepts: objectives, basic assumptions delimitations and limitations of the problem, statement of hypothesis.
Variables: independent and dependent variables, qualitative and quantitative variables, discrete and continuous variables, methods of controlling variables. Measurement of variables.
Sampling: Meaning, characteristics of good sample design, steps in sample design ,types and advantages.
Techniques of data collection:
primary data; Questionnaire, schedules, interview, observation and other methods
Secondary data: Reliability ,suitability and adequacy of data
Processing and analysis of data : Processing operations :editing, coding, classification and tabulation of data, role of statistics in data analysis, statistical tables.
Report writing: types, format
Theory of probability: Probability sampling. Simple, random, systematic random sampling. Two stage and multistage sampling. Cluster sampling, Non probability sampling: purposive, quota an volunteer sampling, snow ball sampling.
Common distribution function: binomial probability distribution ,Poisson distribution and normal distribution curve.
Standard deviation, Standard error
Test of significance:t-test, chi-test, ANOVA,F-test
Microscopy: Light, dark field, phase contrast, interference, polarization, florescence, transmission and scanning electron microscope, Confocal, Deconvolution.
Separation Techniques:
Chromatography - Thin layer chromatography, absorption column chromatography, Ion exchange chromatography, High performance liquid chromatography, Size exclusion Chromatography.
Electrophoresis SDS-PAGE, Agarose Gels, Electrofocusing, Capillary.
Centrifugation: Differential and density gradient centrifugation, zonal and isopycnic separation (Brief account).
Modern tools for inventory, monitoring and conservation of biodiversity : GIS and GPS.
Spectrophotometry: Colorimetry, spectrophotometry, atomic absorption spectroscopy, Flame emission spectroscopy.
P.C.R. and Types
Inverse PCR
Anchored PCR.
PCR for site directed mutagenesis.
Cloning and expression of the PCR product.
Asymmetric PCR for DNA sequencing.